Grapevines are like people; they get viruses too

Covid-19 has sure changed our world just as several viruses changed our grapevine world. We as grape growers have always lived with the reality of diseases and viruses in our vineyards and like with humans it can severely reduce its production or outright kill the vine. Viruses in vines include fanleaf virus, red-leaf/leafroll virus, yellow mosaic, corky bark, vein banding and the latest discovery, red-blotch virus. And like with human viruses, grapevine viruses are spread by insects, being in the soil where they can be air-borne, or by human tools that cut into an infected vine then cutting another virus-free vine. These viruses affect the growth of the vine, its fruit production and quality of the wine. Similar to human infections, some of these viruses attack weaker, less vigorous varieties such as Pinot Noir. I myself am dealing with both leaf roll and red blotch in our Nube Bianco Vineyard in Potter valley. Both of these viruses actually came on the vines from the 2 nurseries we purchased the vines from. Over the last 5 years we have been pulling out the suspected vines and planting new ones which has caused us considerably loss of crop, money and time. The nurseries have helped by replacing some of the vines, but we never total recover from this because of the cost of the vines, the grub-bing-up (pulling out the vines), replanting, and loss of income and time. The nurseries try their best not to spread these viruses but just like in human examples that can be tricky and unlike humans, vines can’t stay at home, wear masks and practice social distancing.


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